An enhanced version of the USP; the USP45 Elite offers significant additional features making it a unique handgun designed for specialized applications. The USP Elite combines elements of the USP Tactical, USP Expert, and Mark 23 with a long slide design. The result is a highly accurate pistol ideally suited to IPSC (International Practical Shooting Competition) and other practical target shooting applications. USP45 Elites are also favored by some military and law enforcement tactical units that prefer long slide designs and a long sight radius in a powerful .45 ACP handgun. In addition to its longer slide -- the longest found on any HK pistol -- the USP Elite has the same adjustable target sights, ambidextrous control levers (with safe, fire and decock functions), and an O-ring barrel found on other specialized models of the USP.
High intrinsic accuracy due to locking system hand fitted to the particular pistol plus o-ring minimizing barrel playAdjustable LPA micrometer rear sight recessed into the slide
Target trigger with adjustable trigger stop
Optimum grip angle
Optimized balance exploiting the maximum dimensions permissible acc. to target shooting guidelines
Cold-forged barrel made of high strength special steel with polygon profile
High strength glass fiber reinforced polyamide frame with stainless steel inserts
Patented buffer system to minimize recoil forces